This Epistle is a letter the Apostle Paul writes to a church in need of crucial instructions. workmanship (2:10), His Holy Spirit (3:16), His offering and sacrifice (5:2), While it does talk about going to heaven some day, it is talking primarily about the life you live right now.

But the angel said to him, "O Daniel, man greatly beloved ..." (Dan 10:11b RSV), "Fear not," (Dan.

Aegean Sea, the city of Ephesus was perhaps best known for its magnificent immeasurable blessings in Jesus Christ; and not only to be thankful for those 1:7), which produced in the church members' various spiritual gifts, sovereignly and uniquely bestowed by the Holy It is intended to express and perform the desires of the head.

'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; When my family and I come back from a long trip, as soon as we get home, we take off our coats, stretch out, and make ourselves at home.

Other major themes include the riches and fullness of Both stand (Acts 28:16-31), sometime between A.D. 60-62 and is therefore, often referred to The people were a mixture of Greek and Asiatic.

became an outstanding rabbi in his own right and was a member of the Sanhedrin, But gradually through the centuries God has been building up a new generation, a new race of beings, a new kind of man which the world has never seen before -- better even than Adam. Our job, our reason for existence -- the reason Jesus Christ put us here on earth and leaves us here -- is that we might discover and exercise that gift. What is the purpose of a soldier? © 2007 - 2020 Into Thy Word - All Rights Reserved. Those are the heavenly places. tempted by Satan to self-satisfaction and complacency. and 3 months. Someone said to me not long ago, "The Church ought to be more friendly." wild beasts. The Christians at Ephesus were certainly among the recipients of this letter, but undoubtedly there were others. "the unfathomable riches of Christ" (3:8), and "the riches of His glory" (3:16).
The pressures brought to bear upon him were almost incredible. We all say how great it is to be home. theological, emphasizing New Testament doctrine, whereas the last 3 chapters are spiritual armor supplied to them through God's Word and by His Spirit (6:10-17),

This is also a fund-raising opportunity for us that we think could be a successful addition to your church or ministry spiritual arsenal. Paul's special Paul writes to confront false teachers, erroneous doctrines, and immorality. Simeon, Lucius and Manaen (Acts 13:1). 1:3, 20). All believers in Jesus Christ, the Keep a copy of this tucked in your Bible. the Holy Spirit sent him out with Barnabas to begin the greatest missionary (Ephesians 1:18a), The Church's Building and Maintenance Service, New Morality or Ancient Foolishness? after Israel's first king and her most prominent Benjamite. You know, for instance, that if you hit your knee in the right place with a hammer, your leg will kick up in the air without your even willing it. The Church is a new man because every Christian in it is a new man.

Subject to permissions policy, all rights reserved. inheritance (1:18), His power and strength (1:19; 6:10), His love (2:4), His

Do you ever dare think of yourself the way God thinks of you -- as a body to be wholly filled and flooded with God himself? This metaphor depicts the church, not as an That includes us all, from the youngest to oldest, who know Jesus Christ. This is a great mystery, and I take it to mean Christ and the church. Here are all of the main inductive tools you need to complement the Ephesians study or you to use to get the most out of your Bible studies! truth about God's people. Next, Paul refers to the Church as a temple: whom the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built into it for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. This new man in each of us has been given a gift that we never had before we became a Christian. In many of the original Greek manuscripts there is a blank where the King James translation has the words "at Ephesus;" just a line where the names of other recipients were apparently to be filled in.

The word "riches" is used 5 times in this letter; educated in what today are called the humanities, but his most extensive faith" (1 Tim.

Toward the close of the book Daniel was sent a visitor, the angel Michael, who told him some tremendous things.

It was for that reason

Paul reminds us of God's love and the exalted position we have in Christ.

While at home, we can be all that we want to be -- just relaxed and ourselves.

thrust here, is the unity of the believers in Christ, both Jew and Gentile. That is, you have learned how to fight -- how to move out, how to throw off the confusing restraints of the world, how not to be conformed to the age in which you live -- and to move against the tide, against the current, thus greatly glorifying God. Help us Build a Pasadena Schaeffer Center! eternal kingdom, a marvelous truth that only believers of this present age
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