Friend planting: Anise hyssop pulls in butterflies, hummingbirds, bumble bees, and different pollinators.

CareProvide full sun and moist to dry, well-drained soil. Plant annual herbs in the spring. Her home-and-garden and nature articles have appeared in "Birds & Blooms" and "Alamance Today."

Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist. Light: Full sun, a southern exposure. It’s also soothing on poison ivy rashes. Anise hyssop is a perennial herb (in zones 4-9) from the mint family and a favorite plant of bees and gardeners alike.

Prepare herb cuttings for use by gently washing and drying the foliage.

Don't let anise hyssop trick you into watering when it isn't needed. The most effective method to . To remove the plant from the container, gently brace the base of the plant, tip it sideways and tap the outside of the pot to loosen.

Spread a 2-inch layer or coarse organic mulch over the garden bed before the end of spring. Dig the hole up to two times larger than the root ball and deep enough that the plant will be at the same level in the ground as the soil level in the container. Allow soil to dry between thorough waterings. Does best in light, well-drained soil. This stimulates healthy new growth and provides new plants to expand the garden or share with gardening friends. of the member-only content library. Established plants don't need watering. Herbs can be dried or frozen for future use.

This indicates that the soil is thoroughly wet. Anise hyssop can be an aggressive self-seeder.

New plantings should be watered daily for a couple of weeks to get them well established. Keep both the original plant and the transplant well-watered until they recover. Finish up with a 2” (5cm) layer of mulch such as shredded bark or compost to make the garden look tidy, reduce weeds, and retain soil moisture. Firm the soil down around the plant by hand, tamping with the flat side of a small trowel, or even by pressing down on the soil by foot. Pruning stimulates tender new growth that will damage easily when the first frosts arrive.

It is an excellent choice for wildlife gardens, where it attracts butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. Refer to the plant label to check a plant’s specific requirements. Sign up for a free trial and get access to ALL our regional content, plus the rest

Prepare the garden by breaking up the existing soil (use a hoe, spade, or power tiller) to a depth of 12-16” (30-40cm).

Harvest seeds when the flowers start to fade and turn brown, but before the seeds fall from the plant. If you haven’t had the pleasure of encountering Anise Hyssop in person, it looks a little like a cross between a sprig of lavender and a lilac flower. An oxymel is a medicine that is made from herbs, raw honey, and vinegar.

It’s a decent wellspring of nectar in pre-fall and late-summer.

Pinching the stems off can cause damage to the main plant.

The plant grows to 3 to 5 feet tall and 1 foot wide and reseeds freely. The flowers are edible and are charming crumbled into salads.

The flavor and aroma are definitely licorice. Position plants so that taller plants are in the center or background of the landscape design and shorter plants in the foreground. This 3- to 5-foot plant seldom needs irrigation once established.

Growing to about 2-3′ tall, this wildflower can self-seed heavily, but other then that no real maintenance is required. If the first 2-4” (5-10cm) of soil is dry, it is time to water. Check the plant label for suggested spacing and the mature height of the plant.

Make a poultice from anise hyssop for treating burns. Are you sure you want to delete your notes for this recipe?

You must be a magazine subscriber to access this feature. This keeps the plant healthy and producing new growth for continuous harvesting. How to Grow Anise Hyssop. This won't delete the recipes and articles you've saved, just the list. Plant near walkways, decks and patios where scent can be enjoyed. Hyssop, lemon balm and ginger can be used for indigestion.

Plant anise hyssop with chamomile and horehound.

The plant known as Anise Hyssop is also known by its scientific name, Agastache foeniculum.The plant’s genus name comes from the Greek “agan” which means “very much,” and the Greek word “stachys,” which means an “ear of wheat.” The name references the flower spikes that Anise Hyssop has. Anise Hyssop Plants. This 3- to 5-foot plant seldom needs irrigation once established. Grasping the plant at the top of the root ball, use your finger to lightly rake apart the lower roots apart. A classic plant for both herb gardens and borders, anise hyssop is composed of erect branches of mint-and-licorice-scented, medium green leaves ending in fuzzy spikes of small lavender flowers. Noteworthy CharacteristicsPollinators love the flowers.

Herbs planted in the garden don’t require additional fertilizer. It’s a good source of nectar in late summer and early fall. This feature has been temporarily disabled during the beta site preview.

She holds a Bachelor of Science in medical technology from the University of North Carolina. Push the soil gently around the roots filling in empty space around the root ball.

ProblemsOccasional downy mildew may occur. This video walks you through making one. This plant is resistant to deer and drought. Anise hyssop grows best in areas with acid to neutral soil and regular watering.

Agastache foeniculum Herb Growing Tips. Unless you are growing an herb specifically for its flowers (such as lavender), or seed production (such as fennel), it is best to remove flower buds as they appear. Herbs in containers can be fed lightly with a general purpose fertilizer at half the rate suggested on the package directions.

Anise Hyssop is a perennial flower native to North America that has a long bloom duration, showy flowers, and valuable to wildlife.

If planning to preserve the herbs, check foliage for insects or eggs as well. • More detailed information can be found in The Georgia Fruit & Vegetable Book by Walter Reeves and Felder Rushing

Remove faded flowers for best display. Feed anise hyssop with a shovelful of compost in very early spring every other year. Watering: Keep the dirt equally soggy.

Water the entire soil area until water runs out the base of the pot. A versatile member of the mint family, Anise Hyssop produces licorice scented foliage and showy spikes of lavender blooms that are both edible and beautiful. The flowers are edible and are charming crumbled into salads.

Foliage can be used to flavor teas and the edible flowers are an attractive addition to salads. This reduces the need for irrigation in summer and discourages the seeds that drop from the summer flowers from taking root where they fall. It’s best not to prune more than 50% of the foliage at one time. Pots can be brought indoors for the winter and placed near a sunny window for a continuous harvest year-round.

Rotate the container and continue to tap, loosening the soil until the plant pulls smoothly from the pot. This perennial plant is a magnet for bees and butterflies! After that, depending on the weather and soil type, watering may be adjusted to every two or three days. Attracts Bees, Attracts Birds, Attracts Hummingbirds, Attracts Pollinators, Deer Resistant, Fragrant Foliage, Self Seeds, Color, Dry areas, Foundation Plantings, Front Yard, Sun. New plantings should be watered daily for a couple of weeks. Anise hyssop will tolerate a wide range of watering techniques, so long as it is grown in well-draining soil. Plants in containers can dry out quickly, depending on the weather, and may need water more frequently than plants in the garden bed. As mulch breaks down it supplies nutrients to the plants and improves the overall soil condition at the same time. This keeps the plant’s energy focused on foliage production instead of blooms and seeds. Herbs are ideal for containers. Harvest herbs in the morning, when the plant oils are at their peak.

Clay soils hold moisture longer than sandy soils, so expect to water more frequently in sandy settings. Once plants have died to the ground they are easy to clean up by simply cutting back to about 4” (10cm) above the ground.

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