Answer: It includes all the answers to the questions from 13 major chapters from the NCERT English Moments textbook. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Today, Math holds a very important position in almost all aspects of our life. Answer: Answer: We hope that our NCERT Class 9 New Books for English Moments helped with your studies! So, he lags behind. Chapter 1. The lost child loses interest in the things he had wanted earlier because he got lost in the fair. Answer: Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier? Answer: But after separation the boy just wanted to be with his parents. When the “lost child” entered the groye, a shower of young flowers fell upon him. He followed the dragon flies and butterflies with his gaze and tried to catch them. Question 21.Where and how did the child meet his saviour?Answer:The child met his saviour near the entrance of a temple where he was almost at the point of being trampled under the feet of the jostling crowd. He was not interested in any of those things which he kept longing to have from the stalls. They should put or pin up a note on the pocket of the child with full details. Question 7.Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?Answer:He lost all interest in the things that he had wanted earlier because he felt fearful and insecure at being separated from his parents and all he wanted was to be reunited with them. He forgot about his parents and began to gather the raining petals in his hands. Question 20.Where did the child finally decide to ask his parents to let him enjoy the delights at the fair? He asks his parents for permission to enjoy it. (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-017) In my opinion the child is reunited with his parents who are also searching for him and find him crying in a stranger’s lap.ORNo, the child is not reunited with his parents but is taken by the man who finds him and is brought up by him.

Like any child he is easily distracted and his desires and interests keep on changing from sweetmeats to balloons to rides. He also saw little insects and worms along the footpath. Question 8.What do you think happens in the end? With their exposure to amusement parks and water parks with mechanised rides and an artificially created ambience, they would probably not even feel comfortable in natural surroundings. You can easily grasp some important tips to answer some particular questions in a specific manner. A child along with his parents had been to a fair. UPSC IAS 2020 Exam: Click here to get the Complete 30 Days Study Plan to score high in Prelims.

They should attend to the need of the child and never leave him behind, in case he happens to stand at some shop. (About 30-40 words each). Lakhmir singh and manjit kaur Question 8: Question 4.Describe the character of the child as depicted in the story.Answer:The child is very young, innocent and full of joy and energy. You might be informed of that the curriculum for all schools that obey the CBSE is set by the National Council of Education Research and Training across the state. He gets confused and panic-stricken on not seeing his parents. (Board Term 1,2012, ELI-013) Having no response on the part of his parents he realises that he has lost his way.

The boy got distracted by toys which he wanted to buy, butterflies and dragon flies which he wanted to catch and ffc?wers that he wanted to gather. Why?Answer:He felt both attracted and repelled at the sight of the large number of people who had converged at the village to enjoy the fair. While watching the roundabout swing he got separated from his parents.

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