The volumetric distance field (VDF) is a scalar field defined within a cuboidal volumetric domain. Blumenkrantz, and J. Taborek. The VDF calculation process for a cuboid-shaped CHX.

{\emptyset _{inlet\_2}} = \ {\emptyset _{inlet\_shell\_2}} \cap {\rm{\ }}{\emptyset _{outer\_TPMS\_2}},

Stone, K.M. Description of geometric entities using volumetric distance field (VDF). \end{eqnarray}$$. (, Li Q., Flamant G., Yuan X., Neveu P., Luo L. (, Maloney K.J., Fink K.D., Schaedler T.A., Kolodziejska J.A., Jacobsen A.J., Roper C.S. $$\begin{eqnarray} The size and shape of the pores can be controlled to some extent by varying the manufacturing process parameters, but only a randomly organized porous structure can be obtained (Bodla, Garimella & Murthy, 2014). Spiral-shaped CHX model with D-surface channel structure (Fig. This article will discuss air-cooled compact heat exchanger design using published data. && \cup {\emptyset _{outer\_ring}}, To do this, first, use equations (, $$\begin{eqnarray} \end{eqnarray}$$, $$\begin{eqnarray} +\! Due to the nature of Compact Heat Exchanges (CHEs)—very light weight, minimum volume and high effectiveness—they have a major technological and innovative role in the advancement of transportation, nuclear and renewable source of energy industries. 1).

The flow rate was regulated using valves at the inlet and outlet of the tube. \end{eqnarray}$$, $$\begin{eqnarray} The log mean temperature difference (LMTD) method was used to analyze the relationship between heat transfer rate and mass flow rate.


(, Zhang C., Zhang L., Xu H., Li P., Qian B. Inlets and outlets construction process. With AM technologies, we can manufacture monolithic structures with high levels of geometric complexity at one time, thus eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming assembly tasks such as brazing, welding, and diffusion bonding.

(b) The inlet and outlet for the second working fluid. \begin{array}{@{}*{2}{l}@{}} {{\emptyset _{TPMS\_core\_1}}}&{ = \ {\emptyset _{outer\_TPMS\_1}} \cap {\rm{\ }}{\emptyset _{inner\_cuboid}}}\\ {}&{ = {\rm{min}}({\emptyset _{outer\_TPMS\_1}},\ {\emptyset _{inner\_cuboid}})}, \end{array} \begin{array}{@{}*{2}{l}@{}} {{\emptyset _{ring}}}&{ = {\emptyset _{cylinder\_outer}}\ - {\emptyset _{cylinder\_inner}}}\\ {}&{ = \min \left( {{\emptyset _{cylinder\_outer}}, - {\emptyset _{cylinder\_inner}}} \right)}, \end{array} C , As described in Section 2.2, a solid CHX model can be obtained from the VDF by the tessellation of |${\emptyset _{\rm CHX}} = \ 0$| that is the zero level set of |${\emptyset _{\rm CHX}}$| using MCA.

This paper is composed as follows.

\end{eqnarray}$$, $$\begin{eqnarray} Maximum errors of |$ \pm $|3.5% were observed in the temperatures at each mass flowrate, and maximum errors of |$ \pm $|2.4% were found in the pressure drop at each flow rate. Selection criteria for the high temperature reactor intermediate heat exchanger. We will explain in detail these three basic geometries. Shah, R.K. 1985. Besides, we can easily obtain the as-manufactured model of a CHX to be built by AM techniques using an efficient AM simulating method based on a set of VDF-based Boolean operations, thereby enabling us to predict the defects which may occur in the building process. London, A.L., and C.K.

{\emptyset _{inner}} &=& \ {\emptyset _{inner\_cube\_A}} \cup {\rm{\ }}{\emptyset _{inner\_cube\_B}} \nonumber \\ Since all the flow paths of the working fluids are entirely interconnected three-dimensionally in their respective channel networks, various forms of CHXs having different types of flow arrangement can be designed with slight modifications to the VDF calculation and VDF-based Boolean operation algorithms which are related to the inlet and outlet construction, as shown in Fig. The pressure drop and heat transfer performance are often equally important when designing heat exchangers. 1978.

Therefore, due to such potential capabilities of utilizing AM in the fabrication of efficient heat transfer components such as CHXs, we can consider AM as one of the promising technologies revolutionizing the field of thermal and energy management. (b) A U-shaped CHX model with inlets and outlets of type II. In. As depicted in illustrative examples of Fig. \end{eqnarray}$$, $$\begin{eqnarray} Compact Heat Exchanger Analysis, Design and Optimization: FEM and CFD Approach brings new concepts of design data generation numerically (which is more cost effective than generic design data) and can be used by design and practicing engineers more effectively. (a) |${\emptyset _{outer\_TPMS\_1}}$|⁠, (b) |${\emptyset _{outer\_TPMS\_2}}$|⁠, (c) |${\emptyset _{TPMS\_core\_1}}$|⁠, (d) |${\emptyset _{TPMS\_core\_2}}$|⁠, (e) |${\emptyset _{CHE\_core}}$|⁠. Mayne. Before manufacture, we checked all the computational models by using our developed AM simulating system.

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