2-3 minutes should suffice. Want to Download a ​Garden Hack Guide​ for FREE. Use a spoon to scrape out the seeds along with the pulp into a bowl with water. Some of these may be affiliate links, meaning we earn a small commission if items are purchased. For example, cleaning it in anticipation of carving it for Halloween is different than cleaning it to make a pie.

After the strings and pulp have dried, it is a natural endeavor to pick the seeds out by hand. Sprinkle the remaining 2 tablespoons of sea salt over the seeds. Grab FREE Garden Hacks that Save Me $512/year, 2 Easy Ways to Separate Pumpkin Seeds from Strings, How do you deal with that mess of pumpkin seeds and pulp to get those seeds for a delicious snack? (Skip to this step if you did method#2 of separating pumpkin seeds from strings). Start to boil some water in a pot big enough to hold your seeds. Don’t worry about getting every single trace of pulp, as the stuff that clings to the seeds only increases the flavor and nutrition.

Tip: Any pumpkin variety can be planted again from saved seed. Separating Pumpkin Seeds from Pulp. How do you deal with that mess of pumpkin seeds and pulp to get those seeds for a delicious snack? If Halloween is celebrated in your area, then chances are that you’ve tried roasted pumpkin seeds. You may use a hairdryer to speed up the drying process.

Once they seeds are in the colander, rinse them thoroughly under cool, running water (or hit them with your sink sprayer) while you rub the seeds together with your hands to remove more of the pulp. Stir the seeds every five minutes to keep them from scorching. Once you’ve removed the pulp to your satisfaction, let the seeds drain thoroughly, then spread them in a thin layer on a clean dish towel or a brown paper bag and let them air dry. If you’re adventurous, flavor the pumpkin seeds with a mixture of fall seasonings such as cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and allspice, or add zing with cayenne pepper, onion salt or Cajun seasoning. Stir the seeds and water with your hand and then let settle. We love to roast the pumpkin seeds to eat as it makes for a great healthy snack. Green thumb Gardener is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and links to Amazon.com. Repeat this process several times until all of the seeds are free of the pumpkin pulp. If time permits, instead of dumping the seeds and pulp into a bowl of water, you can spread them out on a sheet of newspaper to dry overnight.

Rinse the seeds in the colander under cool running water. Stir the seeds thoroughly. Regardless whether you are saving the seeds to plant again or roasting them to eat as a snack, once you know how to separate the pumpkin seeds … Let the seeds soak for at least 3 hours.

Pour all of the water and half a cup of sea salt into a bowl. This isn’t the only roasted pumpkin seed recipe in the world, but we think it’s good enough to get started. Harvest pumpkins any time before the first hard frost in autumn. As a parent of 2 young girls, it is imperative that I offer at least 2 ways to do this. Rinse one more time under running water and proceed to roast or save the seeds. We at Green Thumb Gardener provide tips and guides for both for beginners and advanced gardeners out there. The ultimate goal of separating the seeds from the pulp is roasting the former, but how do you roast pumpkin seeds? The Best Time of Year to Plant Pumpkin Seeds. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Terms of Use SEO & Web Design by Evergreen Growth MarketingSitemap, 5 Free Garden HACKS That Save Me $512 Each Year, Enter Your Email Address Below & Get The FREE Garden Hacks Sent to Your Email.

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