If the steak comes right out of the fridge, it will cook a little longer than something that is, already, at room temperature – I like meat cooked from room temperature. Cook to desired doneness, 4-6 minutes more for medium rare, or until an instant-read thermometer reads 125°. November 2020 um 10:53 Uhr bearbeitet. Place the Porterhouse steak standing on the bone to warm the interior and soften the fat fiber. To check whether meat is ready, use your fingers to prod the meat: when rare, it will feel soft and squishy; medium-rare should be only lightly bouncy and well done will feel much firmer (you should not cook a Fiorentina to this stage) – someone told me the following once and whilst I don’t bother with it much, it may help you: Nonnabox.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Bistecca alla fiorentina (Steak nach Florentiner Art), oft kurz Fiorentina, ist ein gegrilltes Porterhouse- oder T-Bone-Steak. This step is particularly delicate: the surface of the meat should roast very well without burning, finding the right temperature depending on the tools at available. It have to be darker, with a stronger smell, with not trace of ammonia smell that suggest a wrong maturation. Bistecca alla Fiorentina - Italienisches T-Bone Steak (24) Dieses opulente T-Bone Steak, mit Roastbeef- und Filet-Anteil, ist der Genuss-Höhepunkt Ihres Festessens! If you can, prepare the grill with coal or wood embers. Press gently near the base of the thumb (the fleshy bit called the mound of Venus) with the index finger of the other hand – that’s what rare meat feels like. Now, heat at a very high temperature about 5 minutes per side without moving the meat. Now, place the steak in the lower part of the refrigerator for up to 4 days, well separated on a rack.

However, I don’t remember much about those trips, but each time I’m Florence I remember a particular meal I had with my parents. Make sure the coals are quite hot – you should not be able to hold your hand over the coals for more than about 4 seconds; put the grill about 10cm over the coals and let it heat up. Let the steak rest in a warm place (e.g. Alternatively use an electric grill or a cast iron griddle.

The steaks are huge and because of the size of the animal, a steak can easily way 2 ½ kg. It is a high cut including the bone, to be cooked on the embers or on the grill, with a degree of "blood" cooking ("al sangue"). First of all, you have to know that the perfect dry hanging is by resting the entire loin in a fresh and dry place before cutting. Danach wird es auf dem Knochen gedreht nochmals einige wenige Minuten gegrillt, der Knochen transportiert die Wärme dabei in das Zentrum des Fleisches. I have been to Tuscany several times during my childhood.

It’s very important that the heat remains constant so fan the coals back to life if the look as if they’re going to die (which they shouldn’t if you’ve made a decent fire). "To be called Florentine, a steak has to be three fingers thick. Jetzt wird das Fleisch mit einem Stück frischer Butter belegt oder mit Olivenöl beträufelt angerichtet und nach Wunsch mit schwarzem Pfeffer aus der Mühle gewürzt. Press at the outside edge of the hand at the pinkie knuckle: well done. It should cook in a few minutes & when the steak is done it should still be rare – but it’s all a matter of taste. Continue in this fashion: a few minutes on, flip, lightly pepper, salt, flip and so on – you know the drill. Bistecca alla Fiorentina ist wie der Namen schon sagt, ein Steak nach Florentiner Art. T-bone steak is a delicacy in Florence, Italy. Die Zubereitung erfolgt ausschließlich auf dem Grill, wobei das Fleischstück manchmal vorher mit Olivenöl eingestrichen wird, anderen Kochanweisungen zufolge jedoch unbehandelt aufgelegt wird.

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