Scott and Barrie Davenport’s book Mindful Relationship Habits outlines over two dozen different habits people can develop to forge stronger, happier relationships with their romantic partners.

You hear an important link, but can’t immediately write it down. So I’ve put together these show notes of every link that’s mentioned in Mindful Relationship Habits. Being mindful of your relationship can only lead to … When practiced regularly, they can help you fully appreciate your … Thanks for purchasing the audio version of Mindful Relationship Habits: 25 Practices for Couples to Enhance Intimacy, Nurture Closeness, and Grow a Deeper Connection. Not only do they lay out 25 GOOD habits, but they take time to explain why relationships turn sour and how to change your mindset so you can implement those 25 good habits. This is a great book for anyone who is five, ten or even 35 years into a relationship. S.J. I know what it’s like to listen to audio content.

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