Mary I called my mother, and Joseph father, and I obeyed them in all that they said; nor did I ever contend against them, but complied with their commands, as other men whom earth produces are wont to do; nor did I at any time arouse their anger, or give any word or answer in opposition to them. For if a man rejects the commandment of God, and follows the works of the devil by committing sin, his life is prolonged; for be is preserved in order that he may perhaps repent, and reflect that he must be delivered into the hands of death. Hence Mary was called the mother of James. Yea, a single hour in the joyful dwelling of the pious is more blessed and more precious than a thousand years among sinners: inasmuch as their weeping and lamentation shall not come to an end, and their tears shall not cease, nor shall they find for themselves consolation and repose at any time for ever. For as no one shall escape death, so also the works of every man shall be laid open on the day of judgment, whether they have been good or evil. 523 NE Everett St And they wrote down the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Thou art altogether my God; Thou art my Lord, as the angel has told me times without number, and especially on that day when my soul was driven about with perverse thoughts about the pure and blessed Mary, who was carrying Thee in her womb, and whom I was thinking of secretly sending away. Woe to my tongue and my lips, which have brought forth and spoken vanity, detraction, falsehood, ignorance, derision, idle tales, craft, and hypocrisy! And I say unto you, that all the saints, yea, as many men as are born in the world, whether they be just or whether they be perverse, must of necessity taste of death. My undefiled mother Mary, therefore, went and entered the place where Joseph was. Lat. Salome also was their fellow-traveller. He it is to whom is due glory, honour, dignity, dominion, power, and praise, as well as to the good Father with Him, and to the Holy Spirit that giveth life, henceforth and in all time for evermore. And we said: O our Lord, our God and Saviour, who are those four whom Thou hast said Antichrist will cut off from the reproach they bring upon him?

Woe to the hands which carried me and reared me until I grew up! The history of the death of our father, the holy old man, Joseph the carpenter. Stream the classes, or download and listen to them offline. And I called upon my good Father, saying:--. His burial is according to the burial rites of the Egyp.

2 0 obj When my father Joseph had thus spoken, he was unable to weep more. And I, going in beside him, found his soul exceedingly troubled, for he was placed in great perplexity. Thereafter Joseph left her at home, and went away to the shop where he wrought at his trade of a carpenter.

And I say to you, O my brethren, that they also, Enoch and Elias, must towards the end of time return into the world and die--in the day, namely, of commotion, of terror, of perplexity, and affliction. O eye which seest, and ear which hearest, hear me! Apocryphal Christian text of c. 4th cent. What shall I do when I arrive at that place where I must stand before the most righteous Judge, and when He shall call me to account for the works which I have heaped up in my youth? Title: The History Of Joseph The Carpenter Scriptural Truth Com Author: Keller-2020-10-02-12-53-33 Subject: The History Of Joseph The Carpenter Scriptural Truth Com Having therefore set out from home, he retired into Egypt, and remained there the space of one whole year, until the hatred of Herod passed away. Even thou, O my virgin mother, must look for the same end of life as other mortals. An account of the life and death of Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus, allegedly given by the Lord Himself to His disciples. Now therefore, O Lord and my God, let Thy holy angel be present with his help to my soul and body, until they shall be dissevered from each other. And she lamented and shed tears; and all Joseph's other children mourned along with her.

Woe to my hands, which have seized what did not of right belong to them! religions and Gnosticism upon it. I shall teach thee who I am. Jesus! Now Justus and Simeon, the eider sons of Joseph, were married, and had families of their own. Then when the priests saw that the virgin, holy and God-fearing, was growing up, they spoke to each other, saying: Let us search out a man, righteous and pious, to whom Mary may be entrusted until the time of her marriage; lest, if she remain in the temple, it happen to her as is wont to happen to women, and lest on that account we sin, and God be angry with us. For a modern translation (German) see S. Morenz, Die Geschichte von Joseph dem Zimmermann, Vol. Title: CHURCH FATHERS: The History of Joseph the Carpenter Author: William Abruzzi Created Date: 8/19/2008 10:32:33 AM Therefore fear and great perplexity came upon him. And I saw that death now had dominion over him. For great fear and intense sadness take hold of all bodies on the day of their death, whether it be man or woman, beast wild or tame, or whatever creeps on the ground or flies in the air. And let not the face of the angel, appointed my guardian from the day of my birth, be turned away from me; but may he be the companion of my journey even until he bring me to Thee: let his countenance be pleasant and gladsome to me, and let him accompany me in peace. O Jesus of Nazareth! And the angels preserved his soul from the demons of darkness which were in the way, and praised God even until they conducted it into the dwelling-place of the pious. You will also be given the opportunity to join our team tasked with how to make better. Never did a tooth in his mouth hurt him, nor was his eyesight rendered less sharp, nor his body bent, nor his strength impaired; but he worked at his trade of a carpenter to the very last day of his life; and that was the six-and-twentieth of the month Abib. And you shall declare to all nations repentance and remission of sins. And do not uncover my sins, and expose me to condemnation before Thy terrible tribunal. And let not the doorkeepers hinder my soul from entering paradise. Yet that old man Joseph the carpenter was, nevertheless, Thy father after the flesh. my father Joseph, thou righteous man; how is it with thee? Assuredly that same dreadful hour, which came upon my father Jacob, when his soul was flying forth from his body, is now, behold, near at hand for me.

And the angels will cast down their enemies, and will fight for them in the day of conflict. And I shall endow you with power from on high, and fill you with the Holy Spirit. %��������� But when you see a man whose mind is prone to anger, assuredly his days are shortened; for it is these that are taken away in the flower of their age.

It came to pass, after these things, that the death of that old man, the pious Joseph, and his departure from this world, were approaching, as happens to other men who owe their origin to this earth. Visit the President's page to see his availability to speak at your church or ministry.

I am Thy servant, and the son of Thine handmaiden; but Thou art my Lord, my God and Saviour, most surely the Son of God. Nay more, even I must die, as concerns the body which I have received from thee.

And I held his hands for a whole hour; and he turned his face to me, and made signs for me not to leave him. And I spoke to Joseph, and said: The smell or corruption of death shall not have dominion over thee, nor shall a worm ever come forth from thy body.

Apocryphal tradition, such as the second-century Syriac Protoevangelium of James or the fifth-century Coptic History of Joseph the Carpenter suggested that Joseph was a widower, and his children by his former wife were the "brothers and sisters of Jesus." But I passed all my life without fault. And as much ground as one foot can occupy in the house of my Father, is greater and more excellent than all the riches of the earth.

And three months after her conception the righteous man Joseph returned from the place where he worked at his trade; and when he found my virgin mother pregnant, he was greatly perplexed, and thought of sending her away secretly. who makest all knowledge to vanish away, and raisest so many tears and lamentations, surely it is God my Father Himself who hath granted thee this power.

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