Make sure the location is also sheltered from winds. Watch this YouTube video for an easy guide, how to successfully propagate thyme from cuttings: In addition it is important that the plant has optimal growing conditions to avoid drying dry and brown such as: The more you adjust the conditions to replicate some of the thyme plant native Mediterranean conditions, the healthier and more resilient thyme will be, however thyme does not require a Mediterranean climate and can thrive in temperate climates with higher rainfall as long as the soil is well draining so the roots can dry out properly. If there is interest in chasing that thought a bit, I'll provide a link to a discussion (here on Houzz) about container soils that has been continually active since 2005. A hand shovel should do so you can watch out for the wire and pipes. Using a wick (E) is also helpful. They demand well-drained soil and will rot over winter if the ground is too wet.

Start with new plants. Plants hate too much water and are fairly drought tolerant. Your friends at Mother Earth Living and Mother Earth News. It is often used as ground cover or in a raised bed in an herb garden.There are many reasons why thyme can take a turn for the worse; a few being sun exposure (or lack there of), poor location, amount of water and balanced soil. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Hi, thanks for stopping by. If you live in an very cold or exposed climate then protect thyme over Winter with perhaps a cloche or bring the pots indoors until the Spring as long as they are placed in a sunny Window and watered once every 4 to 6 weeks during winter dormancy. Let’s chat about it; drop me a comment or email me at The most common reasons for thyme plants dying in pots are because: Ideally plant thyme in a large pot of at least 12 inches across as a pot this size will not only have plenty of space for the roots to development but also more soil helps to insulate the roots during Winter. I left them in a sunny location and made sure to water them when the soil got too dry every stem ended up woody and brittle. Let us know what herbs you are having a difficult time growing and we will try to cover it. Trim back around a third of the top growth with a pair of pruners to keep the plant nice and tidy. Follow these steps and ensure your thyme plant is in located in full sun and the thyme should begin to show signs of recovery in around 3 weeks or so. Its edible leaves are used fresh or dried to flavour soups, stews, fish, meat, sausages, stuffings and vegetable dishes. The soils I make/grow in: Al, Common thyme and its flavorful cousins are anything but ordinary in the garden, Pull out a pot for this one. Try raising the soil level to at least one-inch below the rim. I have a picture of them to show what they look like that may help in diagnosing the issue. Amending the soil with sand or grit helps to replicate the well draining and low to medium fertility soil conditions in which thyme thrive and exude their strongest aroma and most pronounced flavour of the leaves as well as more flowers on display. Archers Gold:Golden leaves and pink flowers. Pots and containers that are particularity small naturally limit the space for the roots to develop which can cause your thyme to not grow. To enhance mother nature, I'd plant here and there as mother nature might. If you thyme plant look as though it is dying there are several ways to revive it but first it is important to understand what is causing the plant to look unwell and in need of reviving, Identity why does the thyme plant need reviving…. Thyme plants thrive best in full sunlight, likely due to their Mediterranean origins. Like to read more content, Join the Mother Earth Living Community Today. This is great information and makes sense.

Buy thyme plant seedlings from a nursery. My idea on the front window wasn't to do just that alone -I just wanted to see if toneing that window down was going to make any change - then if that looked good then doing all the windows was the objective. I would suggest gritty mix. The aromatic foliage of thyme will fill the air with scent on a warm sunny day, while its flowers are a magnet to wildlife. Here is a YouTube video for a visual guide of how to prune thyme: Thyme is a perennial herb that often only lives for 5 or 6 years even with good care. Once your mix has a large enough ratio of coarse: fine materials to have passed the "threshold" where there is exactly enough fines to fill the would be air spaces between the coarse material, it gets much better very quickly. I live in Arlington, VA.

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