And she has top credentials: she’s one of Jesus’ maternal ancestors. Real mothers, sometimes, at great personal expense, say Yes to God—and the the world is transformed. Illustration: Deborah, one of the real mothers in the Bible.

She requested that her sons sit at Jesus’ right and left hands when he reached Paradise. And perhaps enjoy a nice lunch afterward.

While scavenging to make a fire for her dying son, this starving woman encounters a stranger who asks for food. This woman loves her demon-possessed daughter so much that she takes Jesus to the mat—and her daughter is healed. Yet she claimed life and went after it, aggressively.

Tamar married Judah’s oldest son, Er. You'll write powerful and fresh messages every week with our preparation tools on a number of sermon topics, including expository preaching. Through tremendous personal misfortune, he never criticized God, unlike his wife. Her grain bins miraculously overflow and her son’s health is restored.

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The whole book of Judges is filled with men and woman who are not preached about too often.

Here are my top 10 picks in the category of “Real Mothers of the Bible.”.

Like King David, in some of his more eloquent Psalms, she is upfront and direct. We do not know if she gave birth, but Judges 5:7 says she was a “mother in Israel”—a high and rare compliment acknowledging that she was a fierce mother on behalf of the whole Hebrew nation.

9) Salome, the mother of James and John (Matthew 20:20-23, Matthew 27:55-56, Mark 15:40-16:8).

She saw family sperm as her due, and her right.

- Jewish proverb: ''God could not be everywhere so He created mothers.''

Boldly she perseveres—and Jesus healed her daughter because of it.

Not me, not the Bible, and not God. Real mothers do not stop claiming what is their right—to bear a child.

(For citations, see end of article).

**Mary’s story is found here: Matthew 1:16-23, 12:46-50, 13:54-58, Matthew 2: 11, Mark 3:31-35; 6:1-6, Luke 1:26-56, 2:1-52, 8:19-21, John 2:1-12, 19:25-27, Acts 1:-12-14.

These are not necessarily earth shattering items, but they can be used to reveal whether or not someone who claims to have read the Bible, actually has.

Little Known Mothers of the Bible continued from Page one.

So when Johnny and Jimmy and Debbie take their mothers to church this Sunday, chances are they will hear a pleasant sermon, see pretty flowers, hear upbeat music.

She’s just watched her mother be turned into a pillar of salt, her father had just volunteered her to be gang-raped, and her village was destroyed—by the hand of God.

Don’t be too judgmental here, (although, to be fair, the word “rape” could probably be used as well as “seduce”).

Yet Tamar understood that it was not just Onan’s offspring at stake—it was hers as well.

We offer 30,000+ outlines and 10,000+ free sermon illustrations from top Christian pastors and communicators.

Mary could have refused Gabriel’s request. Like his mother, he is faithful and just, committed to serving God and country.

An almost totally unknown woman, yet incredible in her faith and witness

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Real mothers unleash their deepest desires at Jesus’ feet—and when seemingly rejected, persevere in pursuing healing. A judge, prophet, warrior and woman of prayer, she was wise and discerning, brave and beautiful–and she credited other women with helping to win the battle. A quirky cozy mystery to keep you entertained and guessing to the last page. Real mothers are courageous in letting their children step confidently into their future.

10) Mary, mother of Jesus and Theotokos (Greek for God-bearer)**.

Hannah conceives, bears little Samuel, and as promised, brings him back to live and serve permanently in the temple. 1) Lot’s oldest daughter (Genesis 19). While the younger women of the Bible such as Mary, Esther, and Ruth tend to take center stage, the senior characters are just as important. First in the Evelynton Murder Series, A clean cozy mystery for pleasure reading. Publisher: John Hunt Publishing, London, England. Unbeknownst to her, the stranger is the prophet Elijah. Real mothers speak up and voice their pain, especially in times of tremendous grief.

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