It’s also about the Church actively reaching out to those with disabilities. Based in London, Becky has a particular focus on work in the South East and is also looking at ways in which we can bring the Bible to “emerging generations” such as Millennials.

Some of the features include: Furthermore, we recognise that there will be people who need additional resources to help them access the Bible. For some, that journey is different. God says that when our physical bodies do not work, He will fill in the gap. The Bible . Disability in the Bible. And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent. They knew very little back ...", "forgot to address your question, "How do you people dress and feed yourselves?" So he begins to heal and continues to do so, bringing Glory to His father. Becky lives in North London, with her husband Gerard and attends Wood Green Salvation Army. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Imagine what we will miss out on if we don’t provide the Bible to all people, for evangelism and discipleship. For people with disabilities, life can be an ongoing series of major challenges. Because he’d been properly discipled in his Church, he’d been encouraged in his faith, and made to feel like he belonged. For example, when your pastor preaches, ask God to help you learn more about the Bible’s message from what he says. Millions of Christian Books Are in Prisons Today Due to This Man’s Efforts, Bring Your Bible to School Day, October 4th, 2018, When Reading the Bible Becomes Fresh Again, Hatred and Terror Were the Norm Here, But God’s Word is Changing That.

Sometimes people never open the Bible because it’s such a big book, but God can speak to you through even a few verses–from the Psalms, for example, or Proverbs. ©2020 BGEA The second impact of this project is the blessing we will receive from widening Bible access. Privacy Was there a problem getting into your car or taking public transportation?

Yet it is ‘the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind’ that Jesus calls us to invite into our homes, to share food with (Luke 14.13). Are You Setting Yourself Up to Miss What’s Important This Christmas? Some learning disabilities are big enough to make it hard for a student to do well at school, even though they look like every other kid on the outside.   •   Topics: Bible Study. But this is not the way our God operates. Church and ministry leadership resources to better equip, train and provide ideas for today's church and ministry leaders, like you. Contact Us.

The Accessible Bible New Testament is expected to be made available for purchase by summer of 2017.

It is important that we concentrate on walking our own path, and of not become a stumbling block or curse to those who are just beginning to see or hear for the first time. In His eyes, there are no disabilities, only children chosen to fulfill a different task. Get updates from Christian Crier delivered straight to your inbox. The Bible is God’s Word, and He has given it to us to help us. But God does have a plan for us all that will ultimately result in his Glory.

Imagine what we will miss out on if we don’t provide the Bible to all people, for evangelism and discipleship.

Whether physically, or spiritually blind, if we look hard enough into our darkness, we can see a light that has nothing to do with the world, and everything to do with the one who lights it up.

BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We call these differences "learning disabilities." First, this is a chance for the Church to demonstrate that God’s invitation to salvation in Christ is for everyone. The God of the Universe aches for our pain.

All along, and for always, He is putting into action this plan He has created. The potential impact of this project is twofold. The Accessible Bible Reaches Beyond Learning Barriers, Biblica – The International Bible Society, Young People in Africa Are Falling in Love With God’s Word, For Less than 67 Cents, You Can Introduce a Young Person in India to Jesus, Only Moments From Killing Bible Translators, This Village Received Christ Instead. He hurts for us, but knows how quickly a time is coming where we will all stand before him and be healed, forever.

The Exclusivity Of Salvation Through Christ Alone. Top 7 Bible Verses About Disabilities June 25, 2015 Jada Pryor Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and … Working with three key partners- Prospects, The Torch Trust and Urban Saints- we set out to design and produce a Bible designed to overcome the many barriers people face when reading the Bible. We all have areas of our hearts, bodies, and minds that just don’t work the way we want them too. They were not chosen to be less than anyone. It is our job to decipher how our lives, our bodies, and our minds, can bear witness to His grace. Your local Christian radio station may also have programs with Bible teaching. He “knit us together” in our mother’s womb, exactly as we were to be. It might be a translation that requires a relatively high level of literacy. Ask God to help you get to know Him better every day.

Becky joined Biblica in November 2013 and works in the role of UK Partnerships Manager.

For you, reading the Bible is probably a simple, daily activity. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!' If someone can’t get into a church building because there is no wheelchair ramp, can’t participate in worship as there isn’t a sign language interpreter, or can’t read the Bible that they are given, it sends the message that they are not welcome if they are disabled. But God has other ways to help them learn what the Bible says, and He has the same for you. The Bible can also present a challenge.

About two and a half years ago, when I learn that there was no Bible available to help people with disabilities and low literacy levels read and engage with God’s Word, I knew we had to do something to change that.

Accessibility is something we often take for granted. Home They were chosen to be stronger, braver, and, most likely, a little more compassionate than most of the world. For instance, Isa 56:10 refers to Israel’s sentinels as “blind” and elaborates that they are “without knowledge.” You can currently purchase the standalone Matthew’s Gospel portion of the Accessible Bible through Biblica Europe. Most of all, the Bible points us to Christ. People with disabilities don't want sympathy or pity, they want to be able to have the same opportunities that other people have, and do not want to be singled out or treated differently.

Whether or not we are healed in this life or the next, our pain does not go unnoticed by God.

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