Entering Authors into the Submission System Enter the title, first and last name, and email address for all authors. The cost of reprints increases significantly if they are ordered after the initial print run. JRS standard for reporting astigmatism outcomes of refractive surgery.

Ophthalmology 2014;121:2297-8. If it comes to light that a substantial contribution has not been disclosed, the journal shall advise the corresponding author and withdraw the submission. Reference management software Most Elsevier journals have their reference template available in many of the most popular reference management software products. Erratum in: J Refract Surg 2015;3:129. Introduction: Without a heading, the two- to three-paragraph introduction should explain why the study was done and in particular what hypothesis is being tested. Ophthalmology Retina. 4.1 weeks The Academy has been considering a retina-focused journal for several years. Ophthalmology Retina will need a completed ... the report as a systematic review, meta-analysis, or both in the subtitle. Editorials Editorials are usually solicited by the Editor-in-Chief, although unsolicited submissions will also be considered.

If the editor would like to consider the correspondence further, it is forwarded to the corresponding author of the original article for the opportunity to respond. Provide a thoughtful qualitative synthesis by analyzing the nature, strengths, and weaknesses of the evidence, and developing a deeper understanding of how an intervention might work (or not), or whether a true association exists, for whom and under what circumstances. Legends must identify all symbols, abbreviations, acronyms, or letters that appear on the prints. Ophthalmology® Retina, a journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, serves society by publishing clinical and basic science research and other relevant manuscripts that relate to the sense of sight. 1. Open access Please visit our Open Access page for more information.

According to the Scimago Journals Rankings, this ophthalmology journal has an SJR value of 2.326. Software programs used for complex statistical analyses must be identified to enable reviewers to verify calculations.

Changes cannot be made to files once they have been uploaded into the system. The Editorial Board may invite the authors to abridge their work, taking into consideration suggestions for revision in the initial reviews, and resubmit the paper as a Report.

Reports do not exceed 1000 words or include more than 7 references, and may feature one figure, graph, chart, or concise table on the print version. Submission of ICMJE conflict of interest and copyright forms from each of the co-authors; conflict of interest forms are required and requisite disclosures should be reported on the manuscript’s cover page. Consumers should consult with their own doctors about their individual health status before making any health decisions. Data statement To foster transparency, we encourage you to state the availability of your data in your submission.

Abstracts for Systematic Reviews or Meta-Analyses should not exceed 350 words and must include 5 sections following the PRISMA guidelines: Abstracts for Translational Science Reviews are unstructured and should not exceed 350 words.

If duplicative text from published sources, whether from the author(s) previous work or not, is identified without proper citation, the manuscript cannot be considered for peer review and will be returned to the authors. Reference to a chapter in an edited book: 3. All abbreviations in each table must be defined even when repetitive to other tables. 3. Maximum: 8 minutes total. Artwork must use recommended naming conventions. For additional information, please consult: Bartley GB, Albert DM, Liesegang TJ. “Ophthalmology Retina will provide a premier outlet for this work. Please insert into the text at first mention of the supplemental figures “(available at www.aaojournal.org)” as well as specify on the cover page which figures are to be online-only supplemental materials. Cover Figures Ophthalmology Retina publishes photographs and images on the cover of the printed journal. Van der Geer J, Hanraads JAJ, Lupton RA.

Each table must be titled and numbered consecutively as mentioned in the text.

The manuscript will be in the author menu under “My submissions that need revision”.

Editorials, whether invited or unsolicited, undergo peer review. “Vitreoretinopathy in a patient with Stickler syndrome.”Veil-like vitreous condensations are apparent posteriorly along with patches of perivascular lattice. If your data is unavailable to access or unsuitable to post, you will have the opportunity to indicate why during the submission process, for example by stating that the research data is confidential. Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis Systematic reviews seek to collect and critically assess all evidence that fits pre-specified criteria to answer a clinical question pertaining to the cause, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, or therapy for a condition. We will consider submissions for cover figures accompanied by a descriptive caption from professional ophthalmic photographers and clinicians. Ophthalmology has an impact factor of 6.1 – the highest among clinical journals in the field.

Only one email address can be listed. Ophthalmology has an impact factor of 6.1 – the highest among clinical journals in the field.

Reinstein DZ, Waring GO III. Alpins N. Astigmatism analysis by the Alpins method.

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