Wright, Gregory. The denizens of Yomi hold great envy and hatred toward natural-born humans, whose belly buttons may serve as a reminder of Raijin’s birth in the land of the dead. Mothers warn their children to cover their belly buttons during storms or else Raijin may steal them away and eat their bellies.

“Raijin.” Mythopedia, https://mythopedia.com/japanese-mythology/gods/raijin/.

After she went to the underworld, her husband Izanagi went after her. Raijin also fulfills a similar role and temperament to El (also called YHWH), a Semitic storm deity worshiped by the Hebrews. Learn more.

Middle: Wind God from Kizil, Tarim Basin, 7th century. Raijin and Fujin are also protectors of temples and other holy places, which is why their statues often are placed at the gates to such buildings. Moveset. When the Mongols attempted to invade Japan in 1274, a storm destroyed much of their fleet, a feat attributed to the twin gods as an act of defending Japan. While Fujin is probably too strong overall, Raijin is well designed and is also able to be used on a variety of teams. We find Raijin and Fujin in manga, in many literary works and in anime, but not only, becouse in this last times happen often to find them reproduced on clothing, gadgets and objects that have become very popular.

Jansen, Marius B. The three fingers represent the past, present and future respectively. It is said that Raijin was born from the divine couple Izanagi and Izanami after the creation of Japan.

Sugaru then invoked Kannon, the Buddha of Compassion, which compelled Raijin to let Sugaru take him to the emperor.

Raijin is represented in Kanji as 雷神, a combination of 雷 (kaminari), meaning “thunder,” and 神 (kami), meaning “god” or “spirit.” Thus, he is simply the Thunder God. His son, Raitaro, is also a thunder god. Raijin is the master of thunder and lightning, controlling the power of storms. There are a great many kami in Japanese mythology, but understandably the awesome natural forces of storms would lead the Japanese to believe that a particular important kami was behind them. Among the most important and well-known deities in Japan, Raijin and Fujin through the centuries have always had an important presence in Japanese culture and society.

Raijin would not look out of place on the cover of a heavy metal album, so it’s appropriate that we see often him represented holding hammers and surrounded by drums. When her husband Izanagi fled from her back to the world of the living, Izanami ordered Raijin to pursue him, and thus Raijin came into the world bringing death and destruction with him.

Gregory Wright, “Raijin,” Mythopedia, accessed , https://mythopedia.com/japanese-mythology/gods/raijin/.

Gregory Wright is a writer and historian with an M.A. He is always in the company of Fujin, the god of winds; his son, Raitaro; and occasionally the thunder beast, Raiju.

Another story describes Raijin as a mischief-maker and being of destruction, causing the emperor to order Sugaru the God-Catcher to imprison Raijin. The cultural influence has also had a notable effect in the West, with video games, films and other media depicting characters that are clearly inspired by Raijin. Copyright © 2019 Fukai Nihon. https://mythopedia.com/japanese-mythology/gods/raijin/.

By breaking down the two Kanji that compose his name, it turns out that the word Rai 雷 can be translated with "thunder" while shin 神 as divinity, God.

Raijin also fulfills a similar role and temperament to El (also called YHWH), a Semitic storm deity worshiped by the Hebrews. However he is shown, there is no mistaking his demonic appearance. Raijin is both feared and admired by the Japanese. Left: Greek wind God (Greco-Buddhist art of Gandhara), Hadda, 2nd century. Raijin and Fujin appear as lackeys of the character Seifer in the video game Final Fantasy VIII. Raijin is the direct offspring of Izanagi and Izanami, the two gods who descended from heaven to create the islands of Japan. Raijin is one of the most important gods in Japanese mythology and one scary-looking guy.

Fujin will use Wind magics and physical attacks.

He is brother to many gods, including Amaterasu, Susanoo, and Tsukuyomi.

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