We want to point out that most students are likely familiar with this definition of a colon, as per their English classes: A colon comes before a list, explanation, or elaboration. Here’s an example of a single long dash functioning much like a colon. We’ll apply these colon rules now to a sample SAT punctuation question from an officially released SAT practice test (#3). by working through the practice questions in, A recap of the rules we discussed in this post, Guided examples of questions from official practice tests, Practice questions with detailed answers/explanations, PrepMaven’s Colons and Long Dashes Worksheet with FREE Practice Questions, ACT and SAT Punctuation 101: Complete and Incomplete Sentences, Using a comma with transition phrases/words, Comma splices (you can’t combine 2 complete sentences with just a comma), You must have a complete sentence before a colon, To indicate a change in tone, an elaboration, or new thought (single long dash), Offset additional, explanatory, and/or descriptive information (two long dashes).

Students will rewrite sentences that are missing capitalization, quotation marks, and punctuation. With this worksheet, you’ll get: Fill out the form to download the SAT Grammar Practice Worksheet: Precise Words now.

A second long dash will do nicely here, given that we already have one in the sentence! so you’ll have practice questions on hand before diving in. Directions: The sentences below may contain grammatical errors. In the following examples, students will choose the most precise set of words. Two long dashes function in exactly the same way! What’s the first thing we should do? This is why knowledge of comma rules can be helpful for comprehending long dash usage: one of the essential comma rules tested on the SAT and ACT involves using two commas to separate descriptive, non-essential information from the rest of the sentence.

Familiarize your student with the differences between questions and statements in this Halloween-themed worksheet. Download Colons and Long Dashes Worksheet. With our engaging punctuation worksheets, your students will discover how to use every punctuation mark they need. Our answer choice is B. If you do not have a lot of experience teaching punctuation or are simply looking for creative ways to include it in your lessons, Busy Teacher has 40 worksheets that can help you. You can use two long dashes to separate additional information from the rest of the sentence, much like a set of parentheses or a pair of commas.

The full sentence that contains the underlined portion for question #29 is as follows: Take Bartlett pears, for instance, unless they are treated with exactly the right amount of 1-MCP at exactly the right time, they will remain hard and green until they rot…, This is a long sentence! SAT ®* Grammar Practice Worksheets: Punctuation Grades 9–12 Because the SAT test if offered throughout the school year, teachers can help students to strengthen language and grammar skills all year long. We do want to stress that your knowledge of English conventions can be helpful on one other section of both tests: the Essay portion. Get ready for contraction concentration!

It typically precedes a list, explanation, or elaboration (but this isn’t directly tested). ACT English and SAT Writing & Language test punctuation rules more than any other grammar concept. Eighteenth-century female painters were, to no one’s surprise, forbidden from painting many “scandalous subjects:” chief among these subjects was the male figure. While colons appear relatively frequently on both tests, long dashes are a bit rare. The tribe was left without food for weeks; the members had no choice but to resort to cannibalism. The first thing to know about long dashes is that they are not the same as hyphens! Download Our Colons and Long Dashes Worksheet. Your student will correct all the grammatical errors he finds in the worksheet. Take turns reading aloud with your child, paying attention to stops (periods), pauses (commas), and inflections (question marks). Notice how all three of these have a complete sentence before the colon, which contains a subject, a verb, and the full expression of an idea. I love the game of basketball; however, I don't play it myself. Let’s apply our knowledge of complete and incomplete sentences.

Kids rewrite the sentences using correct capitalization and punctuation on this second grade writing worksheet. One fun way to reinforce punctuation is to write a paragraph with periods, commas and questions marks all in the wrong places and ask your child to correct your work.

With our engaging punctuation worksheets, your students will discover how to use every punctuation mark they need. Give your child the extra practice she needs with this punctuation worksheet. That’s because of this one important colon rule: The sentence that precedes a colon must be complete. To test for proper use of the single long dash, see if you can replace it with a colon. In this worksheet, students learn to form contractions by identifying which two words go together. You won’t ever have to choose between a colon, semicolon, or period if all are used correctly. This context tells us that we need punctuation to offset the descriptive clause (“which…encroachment”) from the rest of the sentence. This is a long sentence, but don’t let that dissuade you from what’s actually happening here.

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