The oratorical consist of about one hundred homilies or short treatises, and in these the Solitary of Bethlehem appears in a new light. About this page In 384 we have the correction of the Latin version of the Four Gospels; in 385, the Epistles of St. Paul; in 384, a first revision of the Latin Psalms according to the accepted text of the Septuagint (Roman Psalter); in 384, the revision of the Latin version of the Book of Job, after the accepted version of the Septuagint; between 386 and 391 a second revision of the Latin Psalter, this time according to the text of the "Hexapla" of Origen (Gallican Psalter, embodied in the Vulgate). In 390 he translated the treatise "De Spiritu Sancto" of Didymus of Alexandria; in 389-90, he drew up his "Quaestiones hebraicae in Genesim" and "De interpretatione nominum hebraicorum." His harsh criticisms had made him bitter enemies, who tried to ruin him. "St. Today, the town, which ceased to exist in Jerome's time, would likely be in Croatia or Slovenia. The treatise "De Viris illustribus" is a very excellent literary history. His criticism is not without originality. But it is also evident that he never adhered thinkingly and systematically to the Origenistic doctrines. But on the whole Jerome's position is by far the stronger of the two, even in the eyes of his contemporaries. St. Jerome. With a temperament such as his, and confident of his undoubted orthodoxy in the matter of Origenism, he must naturally have been tempted to justify anything. Perhaps the influence of that same reaction is to be seen in the doctrine of the monk Pelagius, who gave his name to the principal heresy on grace: Pelagianism. The "Vita Malchi, monachi" is a eulogy of chastity woven through a number of legendary episodes. To sum up, the Biblical knowledge of St. Jerome makes him rank first among ancient exegetes.

The theological writings of St. Jerome are mainly controversial works, one might almost say composed for the occasion. St. Jerome. But perhaps the chronology of his more important writings will enable us to follow more easily the development of his studies.

To understand St. Jerome's position we must remember that the works of Origen were by far the most complete exegetical collection then in existence, and the one most accessible to students. Jovinian was more dangerous than Helvidius. He required of the exegete a very extensive knowledge of sacred and profane history, and also of the linguistics and geography of Palestine. St. Jerome Catholic Church. My email address is webmaster at At this distance of time it would require a very subtle and detailed study of the question to decide the real basis of the quarrel. If ever has technical difficulties, we will stream the Mass on St Jerome… To sign up, go to the Church website: or call the Rectory Office. He went to Rome, probably about 360, where he was baptized, and became interested in ecclesiastical matters. The Catholic Encyclopedia. A censorious spirit against authority, sympathy for the poor which reaches the point of hostility against the rich, lack of good taste, inferiority of style, and misquotation, such are the most glaring defects of these sermons. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.CONTACT US | ADVERTISE WITH NEW ADVENT. In the main his ideas are Semipelagian: man merits first grace: a formula which endangers the absolute freedom of the gift of grace. After a few months he was compelled to leave Rome. It has been asserted that the journeys of St. Hilarion are a plagiarism of some old tales of travel. Excepting the "Commentarius in ep. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York. By way of Antioch and Alexandria he reached Bethlehem, in 386. It is generally conceded that in this controversy Rufinus was to blame. All masses can now be viewed by live stream or watched on demand.

It comprises about one hundred and twenty letters from him, and several from his correspondents. It was he who brought about the conflict in which he proved himself to be narrow-minded, perplexed, ambitious, even timorous.

His "Dialogue" against the Luciferians deals with a schismatic sect whose founder was Lucifer, Bishop of Cagliari in Sardinia. In his controversies he was simply the interpreter of the accepted ecclesiastical doctrine. For Sacramental Emergencies requiring the attention of a priest call, 757-872-8166 Later he went to Aquileia, and towards 373 he set out on a journey to the East. Among the historical works of St. Jerome must be noted the translation and the continuation of the "Chronicon Eusebii Caesariensis", as the continuation written by him, which extends from 325 to 378, served as a model for the annals of the chroniclers of the Middle Ages; hence the defects in such works: dryness, superabundance of data of every description, lack of proportion and of historical sense. October 1, 1910. In the first place, he was very careful as to the sources of his information. Hence the necessity of taking the Septuagint into consideration in any attempt to restore the text of the Old Testament.

The "Vita Malchi, monachi" is a eulogy of chastity woven through a number of legendary episodes. Phone: 585-586-3231 Email: Website: If you have a true Pastoral emergency call 585-586-3231 and press 2. Imprimatur. He was born around 342 AD, in Stridon, Dalmatia. St. Jerome's complete works can be found in P.L., XXII-XXX. But the progress of his Hebraistic studies and his intercourse with the rabbis made him give up that idea, and he recognized as inspired the original text only.

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